Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So Far and So Good

I'm off to a very good start! I have a few things checked off my list for project: 29 and a few unexpected good things that happened!

Things checked off my list:

1. Start a new family tradition.

Ring in the new year in Pittsburgh! Started this year :) I'd be down if Adam wanted to make it a tradition to cook us an amazing ten-course (yes, TEN. That is NOT a typo.) meal every year. ;)
2. Find the right lip color/balm.
I had been fruitlessly searching for the perfect red color, but they always make my lips look hot pink (not very attractive)! So, for me-what works is: Bite Beauty lipstick in "Restina," Nars Larger Than Life lip gloss in "Como," and Fresh Sugar Shine lip treatment, all from Sephora. Yay!
3. Have as many fondue dates as possible.
Fondue makes me very, very happy so it was only natural to add it to the list. We have had it twice already and it's only February!

4. Give a deserving person a very large tip.
Done. :) It would have been tacky to take a pic so you'll just have to trust me on this one. I'll also be repeating this goal!

5. Get a tattoo.
4 hours on February 15th and this one is completed! I wanted a compass to signify navigating through difficulty and finding my own path. Between you and me (and the internet), I'm really proud of myself for sticking through it for the whole time!
Unexpected awesome thing: monthly cousin get-togethers
Not too shabby!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

new things.

It's been a long time since I've written-and a lot of things have changed!

 Because of my "old things" post, I decided to make it my goal to document what's happening NOW. I took pictures, I saved mementos, I made a summer "bucket list" and fulfilled it, and made a framed collage of what I consider to be accomplishments and new good things.

I also needed to find a way to embrace the NEW. since I cannot go back, I need to move forward. last year, I felt like I was freefalling and trying to put the puzzle pieces back together. I needed to TRY things-even if I was scared. I tried to say YES more.

My foundation is now something I'm very proud of.

I look different. I decided to embrace the short hair and got it cut shorter. It felt wonderful to go short on my own terms rather than short due to treatments/surgery.

I know different people. I have worked on building relationships with worthwhile people who add to my life rather than cling to what "should" be or wishing my family dynamics were different.

I had the strength to leave something that wasn't good for me. I was blessed to find something that has been very good for me. Something that has given me both a sense of purpose and a newfound desire to be better and to do more. Something that has allowed me to meet and serve with the best people I have known and that has embraced me for who I am.

I have had to start over many times-even at work, I have moved buildings and grade levels twice just since I've finished chemo. Each time, everything has turned out okay. I realized that I don't have to be scared of starting over.

I still get frustrated when I see the effects of the past and when fatigue sets in and when I have so many appointments...but I am living and almost-normal life now.

This year, I want even more. It's time to feel like I am LIVING to my fullest. Cue: project 29. I have made a "bucket list" of things to accomplish this (my 29th) year. Some are small things, some are silly things, some are unexpected things....all are things that I can look forward to so that I can point to this year with no regrets.

Designed by Lena